Past selection and graduation meetings

Every year, ALGANT has two consortium meetings: a selection and a graduation meeting.

After the application period for prospective ALGANT students, which ends on January 31, there are 4 weeks in which about 20 evaluators from the ALGANT partners rank all applicants, typically in a list of around 150 candidates. During the selection meeting that follows, about half of them are usually deemed admissible. The top candidates are eligible for one of the grants that the consortium strives to offer, and for partial fee waivers.

Beginning and end of the academic year do not exactly coincide for all partners, but mid-July is the canonical date for the 3-day Graduation Meeting, where all graduating students give short presentations on their master theses during the first two days. The final day has the Graduation Ceremony, during which diplomas are delivered.

In the old days, applications on paper were sent to Bordeaux, and this is where selection meetings had to take place. With the acquisition of the online Emundus application tool, the location of the meeting started rotating between partner universities. For graduation locations, this has always been the case.

Year Selection (Feb–Mar) Graduation (July)
2005 Bordeaux
2006 Bordeaux
2007 Bordeaux Padova
2008 Bordeaux Brussels
2009 Bordeaux Leiden
2010 Bordeaux Bordeaux
2011 Padova Milano
2012 Bordeaux Padova
2013 Leiden Bordeaux
2014 Milano Leiden
2015 Regensburg Padova
2016 Essen Bordeaux
2017 Leiden Leiden
2018 Milano Regensburg
2019 Bordeaux Milano
2020 Leiden online
2021 online online
2022 online Essen
2023 Regensburg Padova (video)
2024 Paris Leiden